C.A.P.R. - Clifton Asserting Parental Rights | |||||
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*** NEW FEATURE! ***
Testimonials and Speeches Anti-Uniform Testimony to NJ State Board of Education May 27 2015 by Tova Anti-Uniform Testimony to NJ State Board of Education May 27 2015 by Ann |
If you are opposing a Uniform policy in your town,
please consider this website as a resource.
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Help us raise awareness and change New Jersey Law!
If this policy is adopted, New Jersey State Law does not mandate an Opt Out
for parents who want to opt out of a mandatory Uniform policy
due to Religious, Philosophical, or Other reasons. (18A:11-8)
NJ Law says that schools MAY adopt one.
Even if one is offered there are no guarantees,
a school board could still decline your request,
or change its mind and repeal their Opt Out Policy at a later date.
Eventually your request for an opt-out could end up in court,
where it might be denied.
We won in 2009. We won in 2012. We won again in 2015!
But will we win the NEXT TIME?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Traditional FREE Well Enforced Dress
or a VOLUNTARY Uniform Standard Dress Policy. But there is definitely something wrong when you are asked to give up your rights. Please share this flyer with other concerned parents. Do you believe that our government has a right to regulate the color of religious clothes and head-coverings?
Lawyers employed by one NJ school with a uniform dress code think that it's perfectly acceptable. In Pleasantville NJ, three judges recently upheld strict uniform enforcement. The parents request to opt their child out of the program was denied. Note what that school's victorious attorney had to say in this article: "What about yarmulkes, what about turbans, what about other religions?" Polis said. "According to the opinion it is perfectly okay for a school guard to turn away a Jewish student with a blue yarmulke or even a Muslim student that has a blue kufi." Tracey Cosby, the attorney for the Pleasantville school, said the decision has little bearing on whether students can don religious apparel in public schools with uniforms, but stressed the court did not have to address that issue to settle this case. "There was no basis in religion because we had already explored the fact that if the religious attire was within the color scheme, they are allowed to do so,"Cosby said. Read the original nj.com article. Read More about how this law affects Your Rights- Click Here!
Important Articles about School Uniforms:
Education Week Magazine's May 1, 2005 Teacher Section Article: "Interview: Clothes-Minded" Researcher David Brunsma gives the public school uniform craze a dressing down. http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2005/05/01/06interview.h16.html Article from the NAESP National Association of Elementary School Principals: Uniform Policies in Public Schools, by David L. Brunsma The school uniform movement continues to grow despite research indicating that it doesn't do what it's supposed to do. PDF- Uniform Policies in Public Schools http://baristanet.com/2012/05/op-ed-school-uniforms-and-parental-rights-the-new-civil-rights-movement/
FIND OUT The Truth about Uniforms LISTEN to what has been happening to parents across the US: by September, the BOE must vote it in before the beginning of June. BOE Meetings include a "Public Recognition" section for public comments! Our focus is upon our elected BOE members because their vote will decide this policy's fate.